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Miami Music Week Top 5 Tips to Recovery


So you’re back from Ultra and Miami Music Week in Miami (physically anyway) and you’re trying to get a grasp on reality. Only a few days ago you were living the dream - partying with your crew, making new friends, following your favorite DJs around Miami, and having the time of your life at the best parties on the face of the planet. You know as well as I do that having THAT much fun comes with a pretty gnarly aftermath. I imagine right about now, you’re probably wondering how to repair all the damage you did.
Here are our Top 5 tips on recovering from Miami Music Week:

1. CATCH UP ON YOUR SLEEP – Sleep. You didn’t get much of it last week. Rest may as well be a four letter word during your time in Miami. Sleep is for the weak! I’ll sleep when I’m dead! There’s a really good chance that these word came out of your mouth at some point and man are you paying for that now. Do you best to go to bed early each night this week and start to make up for all that you missed last week.
2. REHYDRATE – Second to being so behind on sleep, being dehydrated is one of the biggest causes of why you feel like crap right now. Be sure to drink your Gatorade, Smart Water, Vitamin Water - whatever you like but drink something that has electrolytes in it. For the past however many days you deprived your body of many key nutrients and you must get your body back up to speed.
3. WORKOUT – For some of you, I’m sure this is the last thing you want to do with your tired self but the more you can do to make yourself feel good on the inside and out, the quicker your recovery will be.
4. EAT GOOD FOOD – Again, I know this is easier said than done. The following week, after raging Miami-style, I know the pizza, burgers, and fries are calling your name but putting too much of that stuff in your body will only prolong your sluggishness. Your best bet is to try and mix in some relatively healthy stuff along with the junk food that you are so desperately craving.
5. TAKE A COUPLE WEEKENDS OFF – When this weekend rolls around and you want nothing more than to be at a Beatport pool party and your Miami withdrawals kick in big time, your first instinct is going to go out and party away your sadness – don’t do it! The worst thing you can do for your recovery is to go out this very next weekend. You have yet to fully bounce back from the beating you put yourself through last weekend and you are just setting yourself up for another week of lethargy and misery. Having said that, the best thing you can do, is take a couple weekends off to give your body and brain enough time to replenish itself.

Remember, the reason WMC and Miami Music Week are so amazing is because those parties and that vibe cannot be recreated but once a year - that’s what makes it so special. It’s not easy but you have to accept that Miami has come and gone. So download your favorite choons from the week and look through your pics, replay those videos, and reminisce with your friends. Those are the memories we live for! Until next year…

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