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Miami Music Week


I finally decided I could not sit home another March and I bought my plane ticket to Miami. I was originally leaning toward WMC week but since most of my friends are going Ultra week, I went for that week instead. I had already reserved an hotel room at The Townhouse months ago so I only needed to figure out my party schedule for the week. I will be arriving Wednesday evening and leaving Monday morning. Here is what I have decided on so far:


We plan to head straight to FLYING CIRCUS at Nikki Beach. I went to this party back in 2008 and 2009. I must say it is one of my favorite parties of the week. Always a great lineup and there is nothing better than being right on the beach. Pretty much everyone on the lineup are amazing DJs so I can’t say I am looking forward to specific DJ.

If we have the energy we will probably check out Voodoo Miami at Awarehouse. Voodoo has been throwing some of the sickest parties in LA the last year and music will be done proper.


Thursday was a tough choice for parties. We finally decided to do Cadenza feat – Luciano & Carl Craig w Frivolous live at Shelborne Pool. Luciano is one of my favorite DJ’s at the moment so this should be a safe bet. Tyrany Tikki, People Like Us, Juicy Beach, and This is Yacht Party will also be great daytime parties .
At night we will stop by the Ovum party where Josh Wink, Steve Bug, DROOG among others are playing. Another stop will be the Circo Loco party. This party will feature some of the residents and guests of the infamous Ibiza Monday after party.


On Friday we plan on going to Hotel Victor for the Listed pool party. Beautiful hotel and pool right on Ocean Drive with LA DJs DROOG, and Dory among others.
I don’t have anything planned for Friday night at the time. This will probably be a good day to hit the sack early.


Since we are taking it easy Friday night we are aiming for going to Get Lost at the Electric Pickle. I went to this party the first year it was at the Pickle. Pickle at the time was a pretty dingy underground bar in a remote area of downtown Miami. Regardless, I heard some of the week’s best music there, so I’m looking forward to this one.
At night we are starting Sunday School early and dropping by Ice Palace. Luciano and friends are again responsible for the music.


A quick nap and back to Sunday school - the perfect ending to the week. Again, I expect to hear some great underground music and reunite with all the friends I met throughout the week.

Check out a full list of parties at Miami Music Week.

What is your schedule for the week?

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