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Hey festivalZOO Readers…We Need YOUR Help!


We have some great news to share with you. We are in the midst of developing our Travel/Planning section of the website and we are reaching out to YOU, the festivalZOO faithful, for your input and feedback.

Since our goal is to provide you with the most appropriate travel info and the most attractive travel packages, we want to hear directly from our readers.

Please take 30 seconds to complete this survey and we strongly encourage you to add individual comments in terms of what you would like to see in this section. Think about what you would need in order to plan the ultimate festival adventure.

Thank you in advance and we look forward to hearing from all of you!

Related posts:

  1. About FestivalZoo


  1. miguelflavado says:

    I havent done much traveling lately since ive been cash strapped recently but ill give my two cents on this for you guys. I would love to travel eventually… to music festivals of course

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