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Indiana State Fair Stage Collapse - Condolences from festivalZOO


All of us here at festivalZOO would like to extend our condolences to the friends and families of the victims of the Indiana State Fair stage collapse. This tragedy hits close to home given the fact we attend and promote dance music festivals across the world, all of which have not just one but several stages set up in a similar fashion.

The band Sugarland was minutes away from taking the stage when a gust of wind toppled the stage over into the crowd. Sugarland singer Jennifer Nettles tweeted the following - “We are stunned and heartbroken for the fans and their families in Indiana. We hold those injured in our prayers at this very sad time. There are no words. It is tragic.”

We are asking everyone to please keep those that were lost and injured in your thoughts and prayers.

In Memory Of:

Alina Bigjohny, 23, of Fort Wayne; Christina Santiago, 29, of Chicago; Tammy Vandam, 42, of Wanatah; and two Indianapolis residents: 49-year-old Glenn Goodrich and 51-year-old Nathan Byrd. Byrd died overnight.

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  1. miguelflavado says:

    What a heart breaking tragedy over there, I hope all the injured people make a full recovery! R.I.P to everyone else who didnt make it ill keep them in my thoughts

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