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Robot Heart - Burning Man’s Best


This year, 2011, was my first year attending the Burning Man Festival in Black Rock City, Nevada. While I wasn’t able to make it the entire week this trip, I was able to enjoy the experience of a lifetime from Thursday through Sunday. Burning Man is about much more than music but when absolutely incredible beats are added to the magic that is Burning Man, the experience is truly unforgettable. The sheer size and scope of Burning Man is amazing and there is music playing twenty four hours a day for over one full week at not only individual camps but also on the roaming art cars. Burning Man would not be what it is without diversity but I consistently noticed that whenever one certain ‘art car’ was around the entire atmosphere and energy changed and whipped everyone into frenzy. This ‘art car’ that provided the best beats on the Playa was Robot Heart. The term ‘art car’ does not accurately portray what Robot Heart truly is - an enormous bus strapped with the most delicious mobile sound system you will ever hear!

Robot Heart is a creation that started in New York but continued to San Francisco where it was built. The sound system is constantly being upgraded but Robot Heart’s mission is to provide BIG, CLEAN sound and they certainly have accomplished this. Incredible sound is just the start, Robot Heart also booked some of the best DJ’s that you’ll see anywhere around the world! Jamie Jones, Lee Burridge, Art Department, Deniz Kurtel, Magda, Heidi, Behrouz, Wolf + Lamb, Desyn Masiello and Dory were just some of the DJ’s to grace the decks on Robot Heart over the entire week of Burning Man.

The third ingredient to the perfect Robot Heart recipe is the people. Everyone who attended the Robot Heart parties was in an incredible mood, they were friendly and almost everyone was in an outrageous and lavish costume! Each Robot Heart party was different and unique but the most memorable was the sunrise set that Lee Burridge threw down as the sun came up over the Playa on Saturday morning. I have been able to experience quite a few sunrise sets in my time and this was by far the most magical, a special thank you goes out to Lee Burridge for being the conductor while a new day dawned on the Playa. I can’t wait until next year where I’m sure Robot Heart will be back, bigger and better than ever, ready to provide the Playa with more music and energy than ever before.

Related posts:

  1. Burning Man 2011: Robot Heart Announce DJ Lineup
  2. Burning Man 2011: Robot Heart Artists Schedule Announced
  3. Burning Man: Music Savages Lineup and Artist Schedule Released
  4. Burning Man, My First Time on the Playa
  5. Burning Man 2011: Black Rock Syndicate Artist Lineup and Schedule

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