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festivalZOO Interview: Nic Fanciulli at BPM Festival 2012 - Playa del Carmen


Nic Fanciulli

Freshly rested following a night out at the Desolat label party at Kool Beach, Nic Fanciulli took a couple minutes before his Saved Records showcase party to chat with Festival Zoo about his label, his life and some exciting new projects he has on his horizon.

Having just arrived the previous day, Nic was clearly glad to be back on the Mexican Riviera. This was his second trip to Playa del Carmen, having played a back-to-back set with Audiofly at the popular Flying Circus party in January 2011.

Nic had a terrific time in Playa last year and was very excited to be asked by BPM to host and headline the Saved Records party at Kool Beach Club. Rounding out the roster for the pool party was Ross Evana, Subb-an and perennial BPM favorite, Stacey Pullen. Nic really enjoys the laid back atmosphere of the BPM Festival, stating, “Everything about this place is fun. It’s like no frills and it’s like Miami how it was like in ’99.” He added that BPM is his favorite festival in North America; but he confessed that his hands-down favorite festival is EXIT Festival in Serbia.

With the iconic image of the salvaged floppy disc gracing every release, Saved Records has been in existence since November 2004; but their output was pretty limited until 2008 when they started turning out around one release per month. Nic’s brother, Mark Fanciulli, works hard as the label’s manager to keep up with that hectic release schedule. In fact, Saved celebrated their 75th release last month with Andrea Oliva’s “Out of Town” EP.

While Saved Records is more focused on dance floor bangers, the Fanciulli brothers are looking to re-launch Saved’s sister label, Deleted Records, which will be more focused on delivering quality, accessible, bass driven house music from only the finest artists worldwide. With stripped back 4/4 to up-tempo broken beats, expect this new label to take off in April after the Winter Music Conference.

Also on tap for April is Nic’s latest mix CD that he has been working on for the legendary Balance Series label. For this highly regarded mix series, Nic focused on making a mix that sounds as good while listening in the car or playing at an after-party.

“We actually started doing the talks with Balance in September of last year. And I spend a lot of time on my compilations, you know doing edits and picking records that don’t have to go with the moment but they’re going to be relevant. When you hear that compilation in ten years time, I want you to go ‘yeah, this has stood the test of time’ and that’s the most important thing. I don’t want to put 20 tracks on each disc showing at the moment what’s hot.”

Steveo, Nic, and Carly in Playa Del Carmen

Nic reckons he made 30 to 40 different versions of the cd and he’s dug up some great tracks he’s managed to get clearance for. “You’re really going to have to listen to it from start to finish for it to make sense.” After BPM, Nic plans to go on a snowboarding trip with his brother. Every day they’ll listen to different version of the mix and make notes on what works and what doesn’t and at night fine tune the compilation in the studio so that they’ll have it perfected for the April release.

There doesn’t appear to be any sibling rivalry between Nic and Mark Fanciulli. Nic seemed very grateful for Mark’s hard work in managing their two labels and for his assistance in acting as a sounding board on the Balance cd mix. Mark is seven years younger than Nic and he started dj’ing when he was 14. Nic graciously admitted: “he’s a way better dj than me. It’s difficult. He has the surname so it’s a bit hard for him to stand on his own. But we made a point last year since he hasn’t put anything out on Saved yet. My friend Joris Voorn, he put his single out “The Tide” (Rejected) and it’s huge… and I’m glad it happened that way.” Mark’s debut single on Saved Record, “Sacrifice”, will be out on February 27th.

Also on the horizon for Nic is the Saved Records party at Set Miami for WMC on March 20th. On the lineup that night will be Nic and Mark, Matthias Tanzmann, Stacey Pullen, Subb-an and Andrea Oliva. If you missed the Saved records showcase at BPM, you’ll definitely want to catch this party.

Saved Records Label Party at Set, Miami, Winter Music Conference 2012

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