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fZOO Giveaway - Morgan Page Contest


To say Morgan Page is having an impressive month would be an understatement. Riding the wave of his recent album release (“In The Air” released 4/3/12) and on the heels of an incredible set at weekend #1 of Coachella (he is also scheduled for weekend #2), April has been very good to Morgan! As a result, he is paying the love forward and giving away some gear to his fans on festivalZOO.

Here is what is up for grabs:

  • A copy of his new album - “In The Air”
  • A pair of Morgan Page sunglasses
  • A Morgan Page aluminum water bottle

Here is what you have to do to enter to win:

Click HERE to visit our Facebook page and answer the question that is posted about Morgan.

Only one entry per person. The winner will be randomly selected from those that answer correctly.

Winner will be announced Monday, April 23rd at 5PM PST.

Related posts:

  1. festivalZOO JuJu Beats Ticket Giveaway Contest
  2. festivalZOO Spotlight: Morgan Page
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