
Time Warp Italy 2011
October 1, 2011, Milan, Italy
First time Time Warp will have an Italian edition. The festival is scheduled to take place on October 1st in Milan. Top techno names are already billed to play so it should be a good onemore…
Sensation - Spain - Barcelona
October 8 to October 9, 2011, Barcelona
On the 8th of October 2011, Sensation will make its return to Spain, namely in Barcelona. The venue, Palau St. Jordi, will be transformed into Innerspace, making it the second city to host Smore…
Amsterdam Dance Event 2011
October 19 to October 22, 2011, De Wallen, Amsterdam, Netherlands
With over 700 artists from all over the globe performing in 44 clubs, ADE’s festival has grown into the worlds biggest club festival for electronic music. It offers 2.500 business professimore…
Movement Torino Music Festival 2011
October 27 to October 31, 2011, Torino, Italy
Movement Torino is trying to follow on the huge success of Movement Detroit. 2011 is the 6th year of the festival. Derrick May is involved in the organization and features some of Europe andmore…
Sensation - Denmark - Copenhagen
October 29 to October 30, 2011, Copenhagen