Party Information

Deep Hype Sounds Presents House Grooves

The Chesterfield Hotel

2011-03-09 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Admission: Free to all
WMC Badge: No

Artists: Soydan, Hector Couto, Jose Zaragoza, Tommy Largo, Markie Gee, Singer: Natasha Watts, Davidson Ospina, Roberto Palmero, Santi Garcia, Tommy Knuckles, Hugh Cleal, Jesse Rivera. Make Sure You Go To The Courtyard, That’s Where We Will Have Our All Day House Party!
Deep Hype Sounds 2011 Showcase, this house-tastic bumping event brings you a talented and diverse line up. Free shirts, cd’s, ep’s, and more. Rain or shine we are going to have a party, the first of many things from this label!

*The party will be held in the Lily-Leon Courtyard, make sure you go to the “Courtyard”, to get your groove on!

Go to for more information.