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Party Information

Miami Deep/Past, Present & Future (Murk Records, Nurvous Records Label Showcases)
City: Miami
Date: Sunday, March 18, 2012
Time: 10PM - 4AM
Venue: Electric Pickle map
Age: 21+

Tickets: $15 Tickets


Sunday March 18th! Oscar G and Ralph Falcon celebrate 20 years of Murk at Electic Pickle (upstairs) along with Danny Daze and Lazaro Casanova! Downstairs Nervous Records’ indie dance label Nurvous brings out some of the talent that has helped Nurvous become such a favored label among all Indie Dance and Deep House fans, including Maxxi Soundsystem, Volta Bureau, No Artificial Colours, Walker & Royce and more to be announced.


20 Years of MURK Upstairs:
Danny Daze
Lazaro Casanova

Downstairs Nervous Records Indie Dance Label “Nurvous”:
Maxxi Soundsystem
Volta Bureau
No Artificial Colours
Walker & Royce and more TBA

Lazaro Casanova

Danny Daze