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Track of the Day - “Catch The Beat” - T-Ski Valley (Deetron Rollerskate Remix)


Today’s track of the day comes back from the old skool. An old classic that hit the mainstream and start of the hip hop scene, T-Ski Valley’s “Catch the Beat” has now hit the house circuit. With an ongoing popularity of r & b and hip hop influenced samples hitting the tech/deep house scene, it… [Continue Reading]

Track of the Day: Starblazer - Deetron


Today’s house/tech house track of the day is the smooth and groovy ‘Starblazer’ produced by Deetron. Deetron has been known for more underground tracks but ‘Starblazer’ is one of those tracks that can be played in an underground set or it can be thrown down at a daytime pool party…the vibe fits perfectly almost anywhere.